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Laszlo Kiss

Hi, I am Laszlo Kiss architect and founder of ASAP•house Inc. I help people build their healthy, energy efficient and modern dream homes

Laszlo Kiss, architect, green design guru, artist, father, sailor, tennis player. Working on developing the "ASAP*house" brand in the modern prefab house market

Laszlo Kiss's Background

Laszlo Kiss's Experience

Partner at Kiss+Zwigard Architcts

1980 - 2008

Design partner in charge of residential, retail and commercial project throughout the New York City region.

Professor of Architecture at Columbia University

1992 - 1992

Taught Design Studio for graduate students

Professor of Architecture at Parsons School of Design

1985 - 1991

Taught Design Studio for undergraduate students

Professor of Architecture at Ohio State University

1988 - 1988

Taught Design Studio for undergraduate students

Professor of Architecture at Texas A&M

1988 - 1988

Taught Design Studio for graduate students

Professor of Architecture at NY Institute of Technology

1985 - 1988

Taught Design Studio for undergraduate students

Senior Designer at Skidmore Ownigs & Merrill

October 1983 - August 1985

Senior Designer in charge of large scale residential and commercial building design. Over saw the construction of a 33 story condominium tower on E 93rd Street and the Executive Dinning Facility at Merrill Lynch World Headquarters in Lower Manhattan among many other projects.

Architect at Studio Kiss

November 2008

* A full service architectural practice with emphasis on sustainable and green architecture * Strategic Consulting for energy efficient buildings * Extensive experience with Passive Solar design o Created Low-Energy using residential structures. Developing Net-Zero building using passive and active solar design * Advising Companies on implementing greening their facilities

Chief Designer & President at ASAP-house Inc.

April 2007

Manufacturer and Distributor of energy efficient modern modular houses in the Eastern US. ASAPohouse is a leader in the field of integrating green elements, energy efficient systems and distinguished design into an affordable house package.

Laszlo Kiss's Education

Cornell University

1975 – 1980

Laszlo Kiss's Interests & Activities

sailing, tennis, photography, cooking

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